I picked 3 sites that had maps that I felt were very useful. The first map I chose was a basic temperature map from weather.com. The map was done with a variety of tone and color indicating cooler temperatures or a drastic decline in temperatures with a dark blue color and red for a drastic increase. Temperatures that remained near normal were done in yellow and orange. I chose this map cause I myself like to work with weather maps. I have a deeper understanding of them and I see them all the time on the weather channel. I feel the format of this map is very informative and no matter where you live you can figure out the temperature change in your area.
The second map I chose from the same area was an interstate forecast map of the United States. This map doesnt provide the same amount of information as the previous one. It only gives areas surrounding the interstates but uses color to show hazards and good driving conditions. Even though this map doesnt have as much information, it is easy to read. The simplicity of the red, yellow, and green colors is what attracted me to this map.
My thiord map is a colorful political map of the eastern United States. This map has really good features. The map has state boundaries determined by varying colors, dark blue lines for rivers that show up really well on a lightly colored state, which most of them are, and the top big cities of each state. The map does not distinguish the state capital which I feel it should. The best attribute of this map is its use of colors pertaining to states and rivers. The city symbols could be better.